Labels:bird | book | bulletin board | daily | lodestone OCR: Snake Flying Will Wisps Also known as These malevolent enti- "flying fangs ties subsist by luring these uncommon unsuspecting creatures reptiles are so to their deaths amid dangerous that all the hazards of their intelligent races environment They feed on the energies hunt them merci- released in their targets death struggle lessly. They fly with acrobatic agility and They prefer their victims to meet linger use their tails pue body coils to hamper ing deaths to increase the energy given victims while they hover in midair. Flying off before death Will wisps attack in fangs always try to strike at the faces of melee by discharging their stored ener their foes The snakes will attack any gy into their foes in 1. swooping attack living creature they feel they can slay and eat Wolf, Dire Dire w ...